construction of a Health post (Birthing Center) in Bahaunthana-2, Bheri Municipality, Jajarkot.
The Nepal Red Cross Society's National Headquarters in Kalimati, Kathmandu has published an invitation for a double envelope system bid on December 23, 2024. This invitation specifically seeks proposals for a significant healthcare infrastructure project - the construction of a Health post (Birthing Center) in Bahaunthana-2, Bheri Municipality, Jajarkot.
Tender Document Requirements and Process: The bidding process has been carefully structured to ensure transparency and proper documentation. Interested bidders must submit a written application along with several crucial documents:
- Company/firm registration proof
- VAT registration certificate
- Tax clearance certificate
- A non-refundable fee of NRs. 4,000.00
Submission Guidelines and Deadlines: The bid submission process follows a strict timeline and format:
- Deadline: January 6, 2025 until 4:00 p.m.
- Location: NRCS National Headquarters, Procurement Management Division, Kalimati
- Method: Hand delivery required
- Bid Opening: January 7, 2025 at 2:00 p.m., in the presence of bidders' representatives
Financial Security Requirements: The bid includes two distinct financial security components:
- Earnest Money:
- Amount: 2.5% (two and a half percent) including 13% VAT of the total bid amount
- Form: Bank voucher or Demand Draft
- Account Details: Account No. 17 0002089 33 at Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited, Baneshwar
- Payee: Nepal Red Cross Society
- Performance Security:
- Required from successful bidder
- Amount: 10% (ten percent) of the order value including VAT
- Type: Bank guarantee from A-class commercial bank
- Validity: 120 days
- Timing: Due at purchase agreement signing
Important Considerations:
- The bid follows a double envelope system, suggesting separate technical and financial proposal submissions
- Late submissions or unsealed tenders will not be accepted
- Bidders bear responsibility for timely submission
- NRCS explicitly states no responsibility for submission costs or delays
- NRCS reserves significant rights including:
- Adjusting quantity requirements
- Accepting or rejecting bids partially or wholly
- No obligation to accept the lowest bid
Contact Information: Nepal Red Cross Society National Head Quarters Red Cross Marga, Kalimati Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 5370650, 5370G50
This detailed structure ensures a transparent and organized bidding process for this important healthcare infrastructure project, while maintaining the necessary financial and technical safeguards typical of such public health initiatives.